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About Aligners

A hand putting aligners on the teeth.It doesn't matter whether you are a young adult or an older adult - you may be a little self-conscious about your smile. There's a lot of people who feel the same way you do. Over a third of all American adults hate their smiles. If you look closely, you may be able to spot those people you love who really hate to get their picture taken. They put mugs in front of their faces, or they turn away from photos at the last minute. If this sounds like you, you may want to think about doing something about your smile. We can help! All About Orthodontics® can use the Invisalign system to straighten out and beautify your smile. Let us take a minute to talk to you about Invisalign.

What Is Invisalign?

The Invisalign system allows us to straighten your teeth without metal braces. This works really well, especially for adults who are trying to manage their lives and schedules, because the Invisalign system is much more difficult to detect due to the way Invisalign braces work. The Invisalign system is made of clear plastic, rather than metal. The aligners fit over the teeth. You remove them to eat, brush, floss, and drink liquids. Since the Invisalign system is made of plastic, they are less noticeable, and in many cases, almost invisible, which makes them great for adults.

What Are the Advantages?

People love Invisalign braces for several reasons. First, Invisalign allows you to eat or drink without worry that you are going to damage your braces. Second, Invisalign allows you to eat and drink what you want. You aren't allowed to eat all the foods you love when you wear braces. For example, you can't eat sticky foods, such as caramel, because it could pull the wires and brackets of braces off. You also can't eat hard foods without cutting them - such as fruits and vegetables. Invisalign allows you to eat and drink whatever you want.

Another advantage of Invisalign is that people don't have to worry about wires and brackets of braces. Many people have problems with wires and brackets because they can irritate their teeth or their gums. The wires and brackets can even cause sores. You will also love that the treatment time for Invisalign is up to six months shorter than with traditional braces, which makes Invisalign more affordable than traditional braces.

How Do They Work?

The process of getting Invisalign braces is not tricky. We would make an impression of your teeth. We may use photographs and x-rays to create a 3D image of your teeth. We need to use a 3D image to develop a therapy plan for your teeth, noting problem areas, and how we can fix them. The Invisalign plan means that we move one or two teeth at a time, rather than all of your teeth at one time. You will come and see us every other month or so to get a new set of aligners, and for us to check out your progress. You'll do your part, and wear your aligners for around 22 hours a day. You take out your aligners to eat or drink and to brush and floss. Before you know it, your teeth will be straighter. If you have questions about Invisalign and whether the Invisalign system will work for you, give All About Orthodontics® a call us at 586-999-8818 for Warren location or at 734-999-4774 for Southgate location.
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Clinton Township



Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Sat: 9:00am - 4:00pm